Sunday, November 8, 2009


An awesome Sunday chilling in the apartment. Andy and I have been trying to make it so we don't have any big things to do on Sundays, and it has been the best way to start our weeks off. Andy is in the midst of writing a huge paper on Samalia...which is really quite a depressing topic, but keeps me in tune with world affairs.
I chilled hard core. Watched Ugly Betty, worked on a collage for my cube at work (to brighten it!), and now just hanging out with the boy trying to understand fantasy football.
I am almost in full-blown maternity clothes. It feels so strange to be such a different, lopsided shape! I've been the same height and weight since I was 13! I do like the way my little tummy looks now though, since I definitely look pregnant now and not like I have a beer gut. I'm going to look for some sweet maternity clothes over thanksgiving at the outlets in Minnesota. I'm think I'm going to rock the skinny jeans while pregnant since I think it's super cute, and I want to show off my pregnant self. I'll post a picture soon.
Wedding stuff: I think we officially have a photographer! One of Andy's co-workers does photography on the side and is going to give us a sweet deal. Awesome. We've also been looking at possible reception sites and have some ideas. It may be on the roof of a hotel, which I think would be pretty neat with all the city lights. Plus there would be a pool and since Andy and I are going to have tons of candles involved in decorating, we want to put floating candles on the pool. We'll see how that flies with the hotel staff...

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