Sunday, November 29, 2009

Back in the District

Well, we're back. The trip to MN was awesome. Lots of family food and games. Andy and I made it out on Wednesday afternoon and celebrated with his family for the weekend. This is the second holiday I've spent with the Horners and they really know how to party.


The huge Thanksgiving dinner! It was delicious and the family interaction is very lively. Maddie and Micah are getting really big and are very affectionate. It was really neat to watch Andy and Tom wrestle and cuddle them. I got to show off my baby belly to everyone and let people feel little kicks, although I think by the end of the night the baby was in a food coma like me.

Friday was my bridal shower which was a lot of firsts for me: first bridal shower I have been to, first pedicure/manicure, and first bridal gifts. I can't believe how much work and care the Horner women put into my party. Thank you so much guys! They made me so special and so a part of the family. The manicure and pedicure were wonderful. Jenn made a little quiz about Andy, and I fortunatly won (I would have been so sad if I had lost). I was also given some really amazing presents. They were divided into times of the day cleverly. The shower was really amazing. Andy's family has been so welcoming to me.

Saturday morning Jenn, Maralee and I went shopping at the outlets, and I finally got some much needed maternity clothes. I am so excited to have pants that fit. I even got a date dress. Jenn, and Maralee provided good maternity clothes feedback/advice and had good luck themselves. I even got some shoes for the wedding and an outfit for our honeymoon.

Saturday evening was bowling night. Amazingly I did alright at bowling. I wasn't great, but I had some good shots, enough to keep my pride somewhat intact. It was a great way to hang out with the family.

Now Andy and I are back in our little apartment letting our brains turn to mush before we go back to work in the morning. I am loving my new robe (bounty from the shower), and Andy is anxiously watching football hoping for another win (he's such a stud). My throat is feeling a little sore, so I'm drinking some green tea. We are both tired and happy, not quite ready to go back to work, but greatful for a blessed Thanksgiving. We both feel overwhelmed at the generosity of family. They have given us so many baby supplies and love. I don't think we would feel at all ready for this baby if it weren't for their love and support. So, thank you thank you thank you.